SkullForShisha hookah charcoal 10pcs


14 in stock


You might have already encountered designer hookahs, designer bowls, or designer mouthpieces, but have you ever seen designer coals? Skull for Hookah are shaped like a corpse skull, giving the session a dark Halloween vibe.

The coal is hand-prepared by a French manufacturer in a completely natural way, without the use of any chemical preparations. As a result, it does not give off an unpleasant odor during kindling, and due to its high carbon content, it provides a high temperature for up to two hours. The elegant package contains ten carbons and is a guarantee of quality.


Weight: 148 gr

Package dimensions: 16 x 11 x 8 cm

Number of cubes: 10 pieces

Additional information
Weight 250 g

Skull For Shisha